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Poster Pals has been creating quality visual aids, incentives, books and reproducible resources for teaching French, Spanish and English since 1981. Used around the world, our curriculum-based teaching language resources support the instruction of French and Spanish at the elementary, middle school/junior high and secondary levels.
Joining our team of authors
Poster Pals has many projects already in development. We circulate new catalogues with new product launches highlighted. Poster Pals is always looking for new authors to assist with writing or consulting on these new products. If you would like to be considered, please reach out to us for an intial conversation. We can be reached at 800-265-7754 or via email:
(If you are looking to submitt or discuss product ideas or a particular resource to be published - please follow our Product Submission Guidelines)
Product Submission Guidelines
We welcome unsolicited submissions for potential products. While we accept simultaneous submissions, we require that you advise us that other publishers are considering your work. Poster Pals does not accept submissions by email or fax nor do we discuss submission topics over the phone. Please mail your submission to:
Poster Pals
Product Submissions
95 Ditton Drive
Hamilton, ON
L8W 2E5
1. Resume (ensuring your current contact information is included)
2. Information:
- writing sample
- What uniquely qualifies you to write on your subject?
- What would you like to accomplish by having this material published?
- What experience do you have writing other books or materials?
3. How would this product assist with a curriculum need?
4. A sampling of the activities or outline of project concept. DO NOT forward the complete product.
5. The grade range for which it is appropriate.
Poster Pals will contact you once receiving the submission. All submissions will be looked at on originality of ideas, usefulness to educators working in mainstream settings, market need and fit with the directions and goals of Poster Pals product development. If you are selected as a new author or your submission is accepted, a meeting will be scheduled with you.
Poster Pals is currently considering submissions under the following topics:
a. French Immersion
b. Core French
c. English as a Second Language
© 1981-2025 Poster Pals